Rachael Rakena

Rachael Rakena is a video artist who works, frequently in collaboration with others, to create richly-layered performative installations, videos and photographs. Of Māori and Pākehā descent (Ngai Tahu, Nga Puhi) Rachael has a Master of Fine Arts (Distinction) and is a Senior Lecturer at Massey University, in Toioho ki Apiti Māori Visual Arts. Known for her collaborative practice she has worked with and included creative contributions from many artists including sculptor Brett Graham, songstress Whirimako Black, opera soprano Deborah Wai Kapohe, and Māori musical instrument expert Richard Nunns, to name a few. Rakena exhibits internationally and her work has been included in major survey and retrospective exhibitions of New Zealand art, and international exhibitions including Sakahàn: International Indigenous Art, National Gallery of Canada; Haka Peepshow, The Octagon, Dunedin; Oceania, City Gallery Wellington; FEEDFORWARD: The Angel of History/El angel de la Historia, LABoral Centre for Art and Industrial Creation, Gijon, Spain; Aniwaniwa, 52nd Biennale di Venezia, Venice; World Histories, Des Moines Art Center, Iowa; Voyage without Boundaries, Busan Biennale, South Korea; Pacific Styles, University of Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, UK; Mo Tatou, Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand; Dateline: Contemporary Art from the Pacific, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin; Telecom Prospect 2007: New Art NZ, Wellington; Zones of Contact, Biennale of Sydney; HIGH TIDE: currents in contemporary Australasian art, Zaçheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, and Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania; and Container Culture, 01SJ Biennale, San José Museum of Art, California.